
As patients and caregivers consume more digital healthcare information and data, they have increasingly higher expectations for preventative care, wellness, diagnosis, treatment and disease management. Healthcare organizations constantly look for new opportunities to make the promise of Health IT transformation a reality, and look for new efficiencies in workflows to enhance patient-caregiver collaboration and fuel data driven decision making.

Precision engagement fosters this transition from ‘all-purpose’ healthcare to an approach that considers the unique needs of each patient, and gives medical professionals the tools to meet them.

PX Solutions is Dedicated to Canadian Healthcare

Our Team

We specialize in cultural and clinical process transformations in healthcare with innovative health technology and healthcare IT solutions that improve workflows, access to care and quality of service.

Our Vision

To bring about a future in which healthcare stakeholders across the continuum of care can respond to patients more effectively and efficiently, with innovative healthcare solutions, and continue to improve care and the care experience.

Better Together

Our in-house team of experienced healthcare professionals and partnerships with leading healthcare IT and application developers lets us create and offer a full suite of applications, services and infrastructure to help you achieve your organization’s goals.

PX Solutions

PX Solutions offers technologies and solutions to achieve better outcomes for Healthcare in Canada. PX Solutions brings leading-edge products, software, infrastructure and services functioning together to connect the patients, families and clinicians along the patient’s healthcare journey.


Prioritize Customer/Patient Experience

Place the customer at the forefront of every decision and action, we ensure their needs, preferences and emotions guide all the interactions and processes to create a consistently outstanding customer/patient experience

Promote a Safety and Risk Management Culture

Build actionable risk management plans and foster a fit for purpose health and safety environment.

Embrace Continuous Improvement

Leading through action, we encourage innovation and continuous advancement while adhering to effective workflows, pre-defined SOPs and providing exceptional results.

Empower Collaborative Autonomy

Operating with a sense of urgency, we use data-driven insights, communicate transparently and empower each team member to make informed decisions while holding all of us accountable.

Champion Social Integrity

Embrace diversity, equity and inclusion, we stand united in a diverse environment through transparency in communication, while maintaining unwavering integrity in all actions.


PX Solutions fosters a secure and flexible work environment for a diversified team, led by engaged and thoughtful leadership. We are committed to actively seeking opportunities to make meaningful contributions to our community, utilizing brilliant minds that listen attentively, seek clarifications and embrace open-minded thinking, ultimately leading to the generation of innovative ideas.

Nurse Call Management

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